Today Ann-ca and I woke up super early because Andre was going to take us to the bus station. However, because it was so early, when we woke up, we could not get ahold of Andre. We started to get a little nervous because our whole plans were kind of resting on him to get us there, but finally we got him to answer and he came and got us to the bus station on time. We weren't sure if we had to get tickets or anything ahead of time, but it ended up working out and we could just buy them there. We paid about 40 euro, so it wasn't super cheap but it also wasn't super expensive. And I was going to get to see Berlin--another German city!! We talked for a little and then slept on the 3 hour or so trip there. Once we got there, her friend met us and took us back to his apartment. We talked with him for a little and he showed us around the place. Their apartment was so cute, and was going to be a nice little place for us. Ann-ca and I even have our own little bedroom to share! Then he served us this amazing breakfast! We had grapes, water, juice, and so many different kinds of bread. I get so full from this because it is all so delicious! Then after talking for a little bit, Ann-ca and I borrowed their bikes for the day! It was such a good decision because we were able to cover so much area and it just felt so nice in the breeze. We rode through this beautiful park first, and then stopped for a few moments and looked to our right and my jaw dropped. It was a nude park! There were a bunch of people just laying on this grass reading or just hanging out, and yep, they definitely were not wearing anything! Then we saw this really cool angel statue in TiergartenAfterwards, we kept pedaling on to the gate that used to divide East and West Berlin. It was cool to see, and then behind it was a big area where people were gathered, with stores, and restaurants, and a gorgeous fountain. Then we kept going because we were both getting ready for coffee or something, but we couldn't really find anything that was in our budget. So we kept going
Then we went and saw the university and a gorgeous cathedral! Then she really wanted to show me the Fernsehturm, which is a big tower with this huge reflecting ball at the top. We saw later that night that when the sun hits it correctly you can see a cross shining on it. Then we headed to this pretty plaza, took a little break, and saw these crazy people who painted themselves silver and looked like statues, but if someone gave them money they would go crazy and pretend like they were shooting things and dancing like crazy. Then we weren't sure if we were going to make it, but we got to the actual Berlin wall. There was so much of it still standing, and it was pretty amazing to see! There was so much painting and detail on it too! I especially liked the solí deo gloría!
We finally rode back and were both just exhausted from our extremely long day, but they had prepared dinner for us! We ate with Ann-ca's friend and his grilfriend! They gave us way too much, but we had a wonderful time talking and hanging out with them, and then we called it an early night!
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