Today was the day for the BIG EXAM! I cannot believe I have only been here for 2 weeks and I am already taking a midterm! I actually, believe it or not, woke up early so that I could get in like an hour more of studying. We all got these Flamenco books yesterday when we were at the Center and they are in English, so a lot of us went through and read some of it because it has the history but in English so a good refresher! So I studied and ate and then headed to the study center. For the first hour and 15 minutes of class, we went through all the powerpoints and reviewed, which was okay, but at that point, I just wanted to take the test. I felt like I was pretty prepared, but the more I tried to study, the more confused and bombarded I thought I was going to feel. We took a five minute break and then got the test!! It was 10 short answer questions, and like we thought most of them were pretty broad. There was one however, that was not at all, and I was not sure about that. Overall, I think I did okay, but it is quite subjective so I guess I will have to wait and see. At least, I did not feel awful about it, and I actually put in effort and tried, so that's what matters I suppose! After the test I went home and had
lunch with my señora: chicken and rice and gazpacho! She was telling me again about how bad her allergies are, and how she cannot even clean because it makes her feel awful and barely able to breathe! Then I got to catch up on somethings and finally took a siesta because I was EXHAUSTED! Then I skyped with a friend, and then finally got to go meet my intercambio. Our schedules had not worked before, but tonight finally did! I kind of got lost on my way to our meeting spot because I do not go to this place often, but I found it shortly after. She is WONDERFUL! She is a 27 year old who was
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