Once again, today was full of many things! One surprise was when I woke up and saw a girl walk from my señora's room to the bathroom. (Apparently there is a girl from Italy staying with us for the week). However, I am not quite sure why my señora gave the girl her room, and I find it interesting that two days have gone by and I still have not met her...I wonder if I will. Anyway, I got up early so I could do a little more work on my paper...and then read a few chapters from my book...then I had breakfast and class. We finally went over some powerpoint slides for this section, and then the singer and guitarrist, who had come in before, came to perform again. They were good, but it is just a long time for me to sit and not let my mind wander! After class we tried to book flights for our next free weekend to Barcelona. I am going with three other girls who seem to want to go for more of the reasons I do: sightseeing and exploring Barcelona, not simply hanging out at the beach and partying. So I am hoping it will be a good time! We had picked flights but when we started to try to book them, we realized there were so many hidden fees, like even just using a credit card! So we decided to just have one person buy all four and finally found two flights that looked good. I had to
be back at the center though at 2:30 and still had to go home and eat, so around 1:40 I told the girls I had to leave and just gave them my information. I quickly went home and ate as fast as I could-some potato soup, bread, meats, and cheese-and then went back to the center. When I got there my tutor said we were supposed to meet at 1:30, not 2:30, so I really thought I had the right time but I guess not. She was nice enough to meet with me at 3 though, so I just waited until she was ready. However, while I was waiting, I got a message from the girls that said they somehow made a mistake and booked our flight at 8 in the morning instead of 8 or 9 at night! That meant we were going to either have to pay like 40 euros to change it or skip class on Thursday. Neither option sat well with me at all. I finally accepted the fact that I may have to pay extra but the other girls just want to skip class, so I am just hoping that will not be a big
deal. Well then I got to meet with my tutor for a little and she helped correct my paper so far. Then I went home and tried to work on it some more and then took a quick 20 minute power siesta. Then I
met up with some other girls to go to a Flamenco lesson! It was a lot of fun, but it was actually pretty
difficult. It is hard to figure out how to coordinate your hands, arms, and feet, but I think with some time I could get it down. After the class we went to meet up with the rest of our Flamenco class by the river for a picnic. Our guides did such a good job of getting so many different foods and drinks. We had tortilla, sandwiches, so many different types of chips (like ham chips!), cheese, nuts, yellow nuts that you peel, croquetas, chicken, and flaky-cinnamony pastry! It was delicious and a lot of fun! After we finished up eating, they told us that we were going to get to go out on the river on go paddle boating! My friend Kristy and I had literally just
deal. Well then I got to meet with my tutor for a little and she helped correct my paper so far. Then I went home and tried to work on it some more and then took a quick 20 minute power siesta. Then I
met up with some other girls to go to a Flamenco lesson! It was a lot of fun, but it was actually pretty
difficult. It is hard to figure out how to coordinate your hands, arms, and feet, but I think with some time I could get it down. After the class we went to meet up with the rest of our Flamenco class by the river for a picnic. Our guides did such a good job of getting so many different foods and drinks. We had tortilla, sandwiches, so many different types of chips (like ham chips!), cheese, nuts, yellow nuts that you peel, croquetas, chicken, and flaky-cinnamony pastry! It was delicious and a lot of fun! After we finished up eating, they told us that we were going to get to go out on the river on go paddle boating! My friend Kristy and I had literally just

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